Your LIFE BLENDING ® Message
How to Keep Your Creative Juices Flowing – and Mellow Out the Highs and Lows of Life
Artist's Insights
Hal & B.J. Stowers
The Original Life Blenders
Artist's Insights
LBM 001 July 4, 2007 Artist's Insights
SEA OATS PASSION by Hal Stowers ©1990
Sea Oats continue to be a passion of mine – poetic motion, dancing in the slightest breeze – curly tendrils delicately sculpting their sandy base – sand dune builders – all in an ocean place – silhouetted against the always phenomenally beautiful Gulf of Mexico sunset! My inspiration for "Sea Oats Passion" was found just offshore from my studio on our pristine barrier islands that I see floating in the sea… HAL
LBM 003 September 6, 2007 Artist's Insights
Hal contemplates a blank canvas – psyching up to begin his exotic Bahamas Series, Photo by B.J. Stowers © 1990
There's nothing like contemplating my first brush stroke on a blank surface! Talk about getting my creative juices flowing… then, it's time to hop up, turn the music on, smile and face that blank surface one on one – nothing like it! HAL
LBM 004 September 27, 2007 Artist's Insights
Hal enjoying one of his favorite places to UnFold… ,
Photo by B.J. Stowers © 1990
As an artist, every day, I need to stimulate, open up, and expand all my sensitivities. I need fuel, clarity and understanding in order to grasp the essence of a subject and express it in a heart felt, passionate way. HAL
LBM 005 October 15, 2007 Artist's Insights
VIEW FROM MY WINDOW by Hal Stowers © 1986
I have a deep passion to grasp the essence of Pristine Moments and take them back to my studio. As I move further into a painting I begin to relive those experiences and their essence begins to permeate the image. With music playing and rhythm flowing through my body, it is at this moment that my Creative Flow is at its pinnacle. HAL
LBM 006 November 14, 2007 Artist's Insights
Exploring the exotic Exumas with friends. Hal on board WHISPER, 40’ Passport, February 1991, Photo by B.J. Stowers © 2004
When preparing to express an environment in a work of art, I like to spend time getting to know the Setting on many levels – seeking the essence of the subject – including the creatures which make it their habitat. Many times this involves sharing notes, becoming friends & celebrating sunsets with the locals! HAL
LBM 007 January 25, 2008 Artist's Insights
Amongst the old age mangrove forest, Hal contemplates the vast horizon. Cayo Costa Island, near Boca Grande Pass. Spring 1995.
Photo by B.J. Stowers © 2004
I felt there was something most sacred about this Pristine Moment – my being merely a Guest amongst this old age mangrove forest – what it must know – so upright and tenured yet fragile as Life itself… HAL
LBM 008 March 5, 2008 Artist's Insights
View from our bedroom window – Winter 1992.
Photo by B.J. Stowers © 2004
LIFE BLENDING® and the LIFE ENHANCING EXPERIENCES shared in our Coffee Table Book evolved over decades – while learning to survive and thrive as environmental artists/authors. It hasn't been easy – but it has been rewarding and, at times, "dreamlike" – we feel very blessed. At this juncture in our lives, it is our belief that we are meant to answer questions we have been asked again and again about the creative process, and to share information discovered together that might enhance one's life on earth. Hal & I packed as much into our book as possible, attempting to utilize every means that medium offers. We sat side by side and "painted" the pages with images and text – hoping to pass on to those "seeking" – The Art of LIFE BLENDING – a GIFT meant to be shared!
Our Coffee Table Book
LBM 009 March 29, 2008 Artist's Insights
Special occasions can be celebrated for at least a month instead of just one day!
Dining on our Deck overlooking Happy Bayou, Garden Tomatoes, Hal's Famous Fresh Caught Smoked Mullet. Photos by B.J. Stowers © 2004
To keep B.J.'s creative juices flowing, Hal cooks her mullet. He catches them in his cast net, cleans and smokes them. B.J. says Hal smokes mullet as well as he paints!
HAL & B.J.
LBM 010 April, 2008 EARTH DAY Artist's Insights
LIFE BLENDING by Hal Stowers © 2004
In seeking an image to capture the spirit of LIFE BLENDING
Hal went into the Stowers Archives and found this work that he began at Topaz Editions, Tampa, Florida, in 1988. Befittingly, he added the finishing touches in January 2004, just before this book went to press! HAL & B.J.
LBM 011 May 22, 2008 Artist's Insights
Hal and B.J., celebrating their 30th Anniversary and 30 years of LIFE BLENDING! Little Palm Island, The Keys, 1996 © 2004 B.J. Stowers
The decision to "expose" and share LIFE BLENDING® – especially online – was a huge one for us to make. Even though we welcome everyone to explore LIFE BLENDING, we realize that it will be appreciated and embraced primarily by those who are "seeking" similar types of experiences and quality of life with which we feel we have been blessed, and continue to pursue.
This creative lifestyle recipe is what has helped us survive and thrive as passionate environmental artists/authors for almost four decades. In addition to Hal's art and its message, it is what we have to pass on to current and future generations.
The Art of LIFE BLENDING, a living recipe, has been evolving since 1971. Until recently, it has been our closely guarded secret, considered significant to only ourselves. The experiences we were seeking were intimate and the terminology was developed for just between the two of us. It was our way of dealing with keeping channels open for creative flow, and mellow out the highs and lows of life.
Over the decades our collectors have asked us, over and over again, questions about the creative process and our working/living relationship.
As we answered these questions we began to realize that many of our friends and collectors had begun to use, with what seemed great joy and fun, our terminology and descriptions of what we refer to as "Life Enhancing Experiences." As they have continued to crystallize and have been adopted by others, we have come to think of them as special gifts that we are meant to share.
Our approach is based on a belief that the world needs more focus on positive and uplifting attributes of life.
This "Living Recipe" is deliberately presented in a way (like our Book) that we hope is "USER FRIENDLY, NON-CLINICAL, SOULFUL, JOYFUL & FUN – AN EXPERIENCE ! "
Selected excerpts from our Book have been used to create "Your Life Blending Messages."
If you wish to know more… The complete works entitled "The Art of LIFE BLENDING®" can be found in our coffee table book entitled "HAL STOWERS & The Art of LIFE BLENDING® - HOW TO KEEP YOUR CREATIVE JUICES FLOWING."
HAL & B.J.
LBM 012 June 30, 2008 Artist's Insights
Hal painting on board our floating studio, MANGROVE MOMMA IV.
Hal gives Thanks –
SUN TIME by Hal Stowers, 1999, Monumental Stainless Steel Sculpture,
FrankCrum Campus, Clearwater Florida
© 2004 B.J. Stowers
"I hope the Sculpture, as it reflects its surroundings and interacts with the passage of the sun, moon, & the great Florida sky with its sunsets and ever-changing 'Sky Mountains,' is uplifting & brings joy to those who experience it."
Original Tropical Art
Representing Florida Environmental Artist HAL STOWERS, ASLA
Please call 9 a.m. – 6 p.m. EST 727-784-5016
LIFE BLENDING is the Registered Trademark of WALKING TREE, INC.
Web Page, Web Site, Art, Photographs & Content © 2006-12 B.J. & Hal Stowers unless otherwise credited. All rights reserved.
Copyrights remain with the Artists/Authors. Published by WALKING TREE, INC.
P.O. Box 468, Crystal Beach FL 34681 USA (Palm Harbor - Tampa Bay Area)
Updated 9/30/2012